LEARN from yesterday, LIVE for today & HOPE for tomorrow

September 13, 2012

checklist menjelang 60hari lagi

A. Dokument/Borang2

1.      Kursus Kahwin - done
2.   HIV –  Him - pending
              -  Mine - tunggu result but consider pending
3. Prosedur kahwin: 
           borang : me - pending
                        him - pending
                Saksi: abah urus done
                Jurunikah: abah urus done
      4.      Kad Jemputan – Idea Grafikdone
      5.      Setem - pending
      6.      Bunting – Idea Grafikdone
      7.      Guest list: akad - 50 orang - done
                           sanding - 1500 -  done

B. Akad Nikah

1. Makan - ma urus - done
2. Mini pelamin - jimat, guna ala bantal nikah je.. - done
3. Kanopi + Kerusi + meja - Nasir Canopy *deposit done
4.  Hiasan Bilik Pengantin -  Awie Bridaldone
5. Baju Nikah
     5.1 Baju L pengantin lelaki settlekan - done
     5.2 Baju P- tempah jahit - pending
6. Veil  n Tudung - done
7. Sampin - Sukaramai Songketdone
8. Kasut - done
9. Bunga Tangan - Clay Craftsdone
10. Bantal Nikah -  Awie Bridal  - done
11. Make Up -  Huda Rahman ( Awie Bridal ) - done
     12. OP - Ja Ismail *deposit - done
     13. Inai - sendirik je – done
     14. Kerongsang Songkok - done

 C. Hantaran

 1. Pihak lelaki kepada perempuan - xamik tahu.. serah 100%
 2. Pihak perempuan kepada lelaki
          2.1 Cincin - done
            2.2 Baju+seluar - done
            2.3 HP - done
            2.4 Perfume - done
            2.5 Pulut - pending
            2.6  Kuih (Akok)- pending
            2.7 Cake in jar - angah sponsor- done
            2.8 Buku- done
            2.9 Pen- done
           2.10 Dulang - sewa/pinjam -done
           2.11 Gubahan - done

 D. Resepsi

 1. Catering/makan - makan, gotong royong * hulur cash je.. pending
 2. Pelamin - awie bridal - done
 3. Baju Persandingan - Awie Bridal
               3.1 Warna - belum pilih lagi, sebab warna yang direquest tak 
                                   sampai, tunggu bulan 10 -  pending
               3.2 Aksesori n Veil - Awie Bridal
 4. Make up -  Huda Rahman ( Awie Bridal ) - decided, done
 5. Tudung - tunggu kaler baju decided dulu - pending
 6. Kasut -  Heels -mgkin ada perubahan but consider done,
                   Flat - done
 7. OP - Ja Ismail done
 8.Handbouquet - Sekoci Norlie -ETA by oct - pending
 9. Doorgift
             9.1 Telur - pending
             9.2 Kerepek -  Angah uruskan - pending
             9.3 Tupperware - done
             9.4 Gula2 - done
             9.5 Bekas Telur - done
             9.6 paperbag - done
             9.7 doileys n hiasan - done
10. Kek acara potong kek - Sponsored by Achik, done
11. Bilik Pengantin -  Awie Bridal - done
12. Bunga Pahar - done
13. Bridesmaid -  tak ada calon, arggghhh - pending
14. Cenderahati penanggah/ tukang dapur - pending 
15. Guest Book - Angah Settlekan -  done
16. Baju Family - Sponsored by achik - done

E Lain-lain

     1. Set Bilik Tidur - done
2. Langsir -done
3. Bunga Manggar - done
4. Signage - done
5. Homestay dan Hotel - D'ros Homestay n Rahimah Inn-  done
6 . Props untuk Outdoor - pending
7. Cat rumah - done

F Bertandang

1. List rombongan - brp org? - pending
                             - kenderaan?-  pending
2. Baju - Warna - Purple
               L - done, sampingpending
               P - pending
3. Veil - hantar jahit manik - pending
4. Tudung - done
5. Kasut - done
6. OP - Nuzultaufiqdone
7. Makeup - Kak Jah *deposit done
8. Tiara - done
9. Hand Bouquet - Sekoci Norliedone
10Baju Family - Angah + Achik settlekan - done

 rasa-rasa ada yang tertinggal tak? takut termiss, terlepas pandang...
argggg, cuak... banyak lagi pending...



September 12, 2012

tulis kad kahwin

Start tulis nama kat kad..
hohoho, kumpul alamat awal2 aritu bkn main lagi..
sebab memang sedar diri.. dapat awal pun bukan mula kerja awal..
dah dasar keje last minit, tetap last minit jugak..
start dengan yang nak bg by hand.. 
yang post KIV dulu.. awal bulan 10 baru settle kan..
Ikutkan hati raja malas ni memang taknak buat lagi, tapi paksa diri jugak..
kalo tak.... hmmmmm tak bergerak!!   



blueprint sistem pendidikan malaysia 2013-2025

Semalam, blueprint untuk rombakan sistem pendidikan negara dah out..
rombakan ni selaras dengan pelan transformasi pendidikan negara dan hasil Dialog Pendidikan Nasional yang round seluruh negara sejak april lepas..
almaklumlah, negara kita kan berorientasikan peperiksaan,
so katanya dengan harapan, bila merombak balik sistem pendidikan,
segala yang tak berapa nak betul akan dapat diperbaiki..
jom tengok apa yang ada dalam blueprint ni

*copy paste dari KSSRonline

Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 has been unveiled today. 
Public will be able to view the blueprint during open days in the next three months.
The final plan will be presented to cabinet in December.
Below are some important points of the blueprint. What Do You Think ?

1) Language

All Year 1 to Year 3 students to undergo Literacy and Numeracy screening (Linus) twice a year in both English and Bahasa Malaysia (currently Linus tests are done only for BM)

After-school remedial classes for Years 4-6 (to phase out 'remove' classes for those with problems with English and BM after Year 6 by 2017)

All English teachers must pass Cambridge placement tests within the next two years

Accelerated pathway for high performers: 5 years (instead of 6) for UPSR and 4 years (instead of 5) for SPM

Compulsory English Literature module in secondary school

2) International standards

Benchmark mathematics and science tests on the Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) and Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (Timss)

11 years of compulsory schooling (up from 6 years); by 2020, all school leavers have SPM or equivalent qualification

All special needs students in equipped special schools by 2025

Each child to learn a third language by 2025 (starting with Chinese, Tamil and Arabic). Spanish, French and Japanese will be offered later

3) Values

Each student must take part in community service

Some Moral Studies and Islamic Studies lessons will be conducted jointly, where there are shared values. Islamic and Moral Studies will also focus on core values of other major religions by 2017

Include private school students in Rancangan Integrasi Murid Untuk Perpaduan (RIMUP)

4) Teaching

Raise entry bar to teachers' training, with the aim of having only the top 30 percent of graduates become teachers from 2013

Teachers to be assessed annually by principals, with input likely by peers and parents

Fast track careers; high performers can be promoted from DG41 grade to DG54 in 25 years

Those who underperform to be redeployed to non-teaching tasks like co-curricular activities, discipline or administration

High-performing principals for rural or low-performing schools; New Principal Career Package, which includes coaching and on-boarding programmes, to be rolled out in waves in 2013

Teachers to do less administrative work and more teaching

5) Schools

Greater flexibility to schools for budget allocations and implementation of curriculum, starting from high-performing schools.

100 percent schools to have basic infrastructure by 2015 (starting with Sabah and Sarawak)

6) ICT

4G Internet for all schools by 2013 for paedagogy

7) Ministry

2,500 staff members moved from state education departments and the head office to district education departments

State and district education departments to have greater budgeting and personnel autonomy

8) Parents

Parents can access online monitoring of students' progress

500 more Trust schools

9) Transparency

Annual report to gauge if blueprint targets have been met, starting 2013, be available for public consumption

Comprehensive review of the blueprint in 2015, 2020 and 2025.

10) Funds

Focus funds on critical areas, like teacher training and cutting funds to non-critical programmes

*The full blueprint can be downloaded here. http://myedureview.com/

*kredit to kssronline for the contents above..

so amacam? menarik kan?
saya tertarik dengan dua point

- Those who underperform to be redeployed to non-teaching tasks like co-curricular activities, discipline or administration
- Teachers to do less administrative work and more teaching

sama-sama kita nantikan hasilnya kalau final plan lulus disember nanti.. so teachers, get ready, tanggungjawab makin besar, jom siapkan diri kita sebaiknya.. ^____^

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