Currently in Perak.. Ex-Bride2Be November 2012.. Seorang yang sangat simple, kuat jeles.. ngeh3.. Lover kepada My Bucuk2.. >__<, Am complicated and yet, always being misunderstood by others.. Don't mind being criticize but only for things that help me being a better person.. The rest of all, get to know me first; then judge me... ^*^
anything to ask, do email me
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LEARN from yesterday, LIVE for today & HOPE for tomorrow
Cara Aqid untuk tdo.. Hisap jari.. Dulu2 ingatkan dia lapar, tp bila offer breast dia xnk.. Lama2 br perasan dan tau cara dia tuk self soothe dan layan untuk tdo.. Comel betul dgn bunyi yg sampai luar bilik boleh dgr.. Hahaha..