Currently in Perak.. Ex-Bride2Be November 2012.. Seorang yang sangat simple, kuat jeles.. ngeh3.. Lover kepada My Bucuk2.. >__<, Am complicated and yet, always being misunderstood by others.. Don't mind being criticize but only for things that help me being a better person.. The rest of all, get to know me first; then judge me... ^*^
anything to ask, do email me
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LEARN from yesterday, LIVE for today & HOPE for tomorrow
cantiknye baju raya die... ^_^
Hana: hehe, tapi tahun ni xde tema pun.. Sume pakat beli je kaler msg2 berkenan
kalah baju kahwin kita ni... ho..ho
Sara: selamat pengantin baru.. Raya mesti xexcited kan... SebaB debaran bakal raja sehari lagi hebat.. :p
cantik! meriah sungguh! hehe
JiJah: tq, xsempat pecut ke blog jijah lagi.. Online guna hp je..
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